Work with The Cell Phone Industry Experts

Check Out or Daily Updated Buying Price List

Our Process

Check Our Daily Updated Buying Price List

If you can't find a price please contact us through Whastapp, we normally reply in less than 5 minutes.

Choose The Devices You Want to Sell Us And Send Us The Invoice.

We will give you the green light to ship in less than 15 minutes and if its more than 10 devices we will provide a prepaid shipping label.
You can send use the invoice through email or Whatsapp (We can reply faster through Whatsapp).

We send the payment.

As soon as we receive your package we will inspect the devices and send the payment.
(Please include your prefered method of payment on the original invoice or send all the info through email/whatsapp)

Methods of Payment

Why Sell To Us?

We’ve been on the cell phone industry for over a decade, we know the market better than anyone.
We  work with top retailers all over the world, this mean that we can pay top market prices for your devices directly and save you a ton on selling fees.
Our main goal is to help your business grow!